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GAIA-X – From Europe for Europe

GAIA-X was launched in autumn 2019 by German and French partners. European representatives from politics, business and science, supported by EU Commission, came together to develop common requirements for a European data infrastructure. The goal is to deliver the highest standards of digital sovereignty and promote innovation. More than 300 organizations are involved, including Siemens, Bosch, SAP and Telekom as well as OVHcloud, GermanEdge Cloud, Cloud&Heat, Cloud Ecosystem and Syseleven.

Benefits for SaaS Providers

GAIA-X is not yet really present among SMEs and in the SaaS Community. Therefore, we would like to introduce GAIA-X to you, together with GAIA-X members of the first hour. In addition, we would like to discuss with you what benefits GAIA-X can bring to SaaS providers.

Supported by


Sebastian is co-founder of German Edge Cloud GmbH & Co. KG. Sebastian has been a serial IT innovator, he has founded resp. co-founded several international start-ups and helped them to become internationally operating companies.

Dr. Sebastian Ritz

CEO , German Edge Cloud GmbH & Co. KG

Jon is a senior Product Marketing expert with proven experience in Product Management, People Management and Go-to-market strategies for large scale enterprises. Over 15 years in the IT sector in senior leadership roles in North America and Europe.  

Jonathan Druker

Senior Product Marketing Expert , OVHcloud

Marc is founder & CEO of SysEleven. The company was founded in 2007. With more than 100 employees, SysEleven is a leading cloud and Kubernetes provider focused on DSGVO-compliant and mission-critical applications and rapid scaling of workloads. Furthermore SysEleven is a Day-1 member of GAIA-X.

Marc Korthaus

CEO, SysEleven GmbH

Ronny is Team Lead Business Development at Cloud&Heat Technologies, a cloud provider focusing on green & secure cloud services. Ronny has been involved with Gaia-X since October 2019. He has served as a co-head of the Working Group “Self-Description” & “Provider” and in the Architecture Board/Technical Committee.

Dr. Ronny Reinhardt

Business Development Team Lead, Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH

Special Guest

Francesco joins GAIA-X as the new CEO. Formerly CEO of Engineering D.HUB, Italian leader in Cloud and Digital Transformation Services, Co-Founder of, AI centric Startup Studio, and VP for Confindustria Valle D’Aosta, Francesco brings more than 30 years’ experience in IT and held executive roles in multinational companies such as CTO at HP, VP at Avanade, SW Factory Director at Unisys Global, Technical Director at Rational-Software.

Married, father of three children and an active musician in various productions and collaborations, Francesco believes in the power of collective intelligence, lateral thinking and teamwork as a propeller for transformation, in business as well as in life!

Francesco Bonfiglio

Chief Executive Officer, GAIA-X AISBL


Robin has ecosystems and platforms in his business DNA. From January 2018 to May 2020, he was responsible for managing the OIH community as a Community Manager. Since 2020, he is responsible for the creation of the Open Integration Platform as a Project Manager with his development team.

Robin Brinkmann

Project Lead and Head of Open Integration Hub, Cloud Ecosystem


Wir freuen uns über Feedback, Fragen und Ideen. Nehmt direkt Kontakt auf! Wir melden uns schnellstmöglich bei euch.
Veerle Türling

Veerle Türling

Head of Marketing

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